Question |
How much power does the solar array generate? |
Answer |
The solar array generates up to 1,105 Watts - 6 panels at 185 Watts each. |
Question |
How much power does the wind turbine generate? |
Answer |
The wind turbine will generate up to 1000 Watts. It must have a minimum of 10 MPH wind before the controller will recognize it. |
Question |
How much power is needed to run the unit? |
Answer |
The power needed to operate the Water Station is dependent on the size of the pump used. For an 11 GPM pump, it needs 700 Watts. For a 25 GPM pump, it needs 960 Watts. |
Question |
Can the unit use solar and wind power at the same time? |
Answer |
Yes, solar and wind can be used to power the Water Station at the same time. |
Question |
If the Water Station uses no chemicals, why is there a post-treatment pump at the end of the purification process |
Answer |
The post-treatment process is optional, but recommended in situations when you will be pumping water into a tank or distribution system that may already be contaminated. |
Question |
Can potable and non-potable water be produced from the Water Station at the same time? |
Answer |
There are 4 different outlets that will distribute water at different purification levels. The first stage is for use as a pumping station only and has nominal purification. The second stage is filtered down to 5 microns for use in irrigation or livestock. It is non-potable for humans. The third level is filtered down to 2 microns and can be used for laundry, showering and food preperation. It is still non-potable at this stage. The last stage is after ultraviolet treatment and is 100% potable. |
Question |
What assumptions are being made about potable and non-potable water when calculating the 20,000 to 22,000 gallons per day figure? |
Answer |
The 20,000 to 22,000 gallon per day is total output for potable water assuming the Water Station is getting power from wind or solar 24 hours per day. Many factors can affect the amount of power that is generated for the machine to operate such as the amount of wind or sun it is getting. |
Question |
What is the horsepower of the two pumps that are supplied with the Water Station? |
Answer |
The pumps are not rated in horsepower but in Gallons Per Minute (GPM). The 11 GPM pump is rated to pump from a depth of 395 feet. The 25 GPM pump is rated to pump from a depth of 185 feet. Other pumps can be supplied with the Water Station as the situation warrants, however, the MWPS has been designed around these two models for optimum performance in most situations. |
Question |
What is involved in the UV phase of the purification process? |
Answer |
The UV phase refers to the use of an ultraviolet lamp that kills all microbes at the end of the filtration process. The MWPS utilizes two UV lamps, adding to the redundancy of the design. The bulbs are 26 Watts each and are rated to last 10,000 hours. Two additional bulbs are included for replacements. |
Question |
How does the unit remove the industrial pollutants such as arsenic, lead, mercury, etc.? |
Answer |
The industrial pollutants are removed during the filtration process as the water passes through the various tanks of proprietary media. In the particular case of arsenic, the filtration media actually binds molecularly and makes the arsenic inert, thereby not creating a 'hot spot' later on. All filtration media in the MWPS can be back-washed. |
Question |
Does the cost of the machine include the trailer shown in the marketing material? |
Answer |
The trailers are optional. The trailer is designed to mount the windmill but a ground mount kit can be provided. Additional pipe, electical cable and mounting materials can be supplied. |
Question |
Does the pump use chlorine? What is meant by pre-treatment and post-treatment? |
Answer |
Pre-treatment and Post-treatment are optional. The mechanical injection pump is included to allow you to add fertilizer, electrolytes or any other additives to the water depending on the intended use. Farmers may want to add fertilizer to the water for irrigation purposes, etc. |
Question |
Is it possible to get replacement parts locally if something breaks? |
Answer |
The MWPS was designed so that it could be easily repaired anywhere in the world. For example, the water filtration tanks are made of fiberglass so they can be repaired in the field. Most of the parts can be found in a hardware store. |
Question |
Are there spare parts for items that will break frequently |
Answer |
The MWPS comes with a repair kit that includes basic off-the-shelf tools that any plumber would likely possess. Two extra UV bulbs and crystals are supplied, along with an assortment of various hose clamps, a fiberglass repair kit, etc. |
Question |
Does the water test kit included with the unit test for both chemicals and bacteria? |
Answer |
A Hach PathoScreen field kit is included that will test for the presence of hydrogen sulfide-producing organisms. It is a very simple kit designed for remote locations or disaster/emergency applications. It is highly recommended that customers obtain a local lab test and forward the certified results to IWC in order for us to best address the particular contaminants in the local water source. |
Question |
When you refer to standard hardware, are you referring to non-metric tools? |
Answer |
Although we were referring to common tools and parts that are found in most hardware stores, the MWPS currently uses U.S./Standard sizes instead of metric sizes. As G8 and G9 specifications become the norm, it is likely that metric standards will be adopted. |
Question |
What are water quality sample taps referred to in the specifications? |
Water quality taps are placed at various strategic testing points on the MWPS in the event that the machine gets compromised in some way. The taps make it possible to isolate the compromised section of the machine. |